Science Magic FAQ's
Q: What printed materials should I have available to students for the e-Lab?
A: Students will use PAW (Predict, Actual, Why) reports to document their findings during the e-Lab. Each student will need 6 blank PAW reports to record observations and explanations.
Q: Where does this e-Lab fit best in my curriculum?
A: Although curricula vary with each school, this e-Lab focuses on physical science principles in coordination with the scientific method. This e-Lab would be a great fit as a culminating event to a physical science unit.
Q: What is the minimum and maximum number of students that can participate in this e-Lab?
A: This e-Lab is designed to engage 25-30 students. However, it is possible to reconfigure the teams should you have a smaller class size. For classes of more than 30 students, we recommend that you schedule additional e-Labs sessions to maximize students participation and engagement with each other and with the Lab Director.
Q: Do I need to purchase any additional supplies for this e-Lab?
A: Both the pre-lab and post-lab lessons require the use of common household materials. Please check out the Science Magic Lesson Plans for more detail. For the live e-Lab event, the only materials students will need are the PAW reports (6 PAW reports per student.)